My Perfect Planet (Book)

After we wrote our my planet stories we turned them into books with the help of Mrs. Peg Ginoux. Mrs. Ginoux has a website here’s a link. . First we used Akua Ink and leafs to print and use later. How we print is a gelli plate  and roller. The look like this

That photo is from

After we made the prints we folded and cut a sturdy piece of paper. Then we decorate the the paper in certain places starting with the spot that would be the inside of a little in-cove. After we decorated that we glued down a part and cut a hole so u could see what we had just decorated. Next we decorated the rest of the parts that were meant to be decorated. Then we glued it to a spine of the book so that it looked like a book. After the glue dried we decorated the outside of the book. Once we finished we took photos of it to show here on our blogs. Here are my photos

Finger Print Project

Since we are reading a mystery book in L.A. we did a project on finger prints. We took our finger prints then figured out what type they are. There are many types. There is the  arch, whorl, plain loop, tented arch, central pocket, exceptional arch, twinned loop, radial loop, lateral pocket, ulnar loop, and accidental. There are more that’s just a few.

How we took our finger prints is that first we colored really hard on a piece of paper with pencil. 2nd you take one of your finger and rub it in the pencil took pick up the graphite. 3rd you get a piece of tape and stick it on the finger that has the pencil on it. 4th you stick the tape with your finger print on a new piece of paper to see what it looks like. 5th the we determined what type of finger print we have.

Here are eight cool facts I learned

  1. The rarest finger print is a arch
  2. In 90 years of fingerprinting, there hasn’t been any identical sets
  3. Fingerprints aren’t hereditary
  4. Not all the fingers on your hands are the same print
  5. Koalas have fingerprints
  6. Even identical twins fingerprints are different
  7. People can have unique prints on there  tongue and feet
  8. Finger prints are used to help solve crime

Facts are from

  2. Things I learned for 3rd grade science

Did you know that fingerprints are hereditary? No one in the world has the same fingerprints as some else. But the shapes of your fingers can be.

I would add a picture of my fingerprints but im not so sure about that, and there might be some creeps.